Western Cape

Agricultural Medical Supplies
Contact Person: Michelle Leininger
Tel: 082 563 8729
Cell: 082 560 5375
E-mail: megleininger@gmail.com
Physical Address: 11 Crammix Road, Brackenfell, Western Cape, 7560, South Africa

Animal Feeds
Contact Person: Shelley or Marc
Tel:  021 783 0402
Cell: 082 464 9988
Email address: shelley@animalfeedswp.co.za
Physical Address: 24A Fish Eagle Park, Kommetjie, 7975, Western Cape, South Africa

Equine Insight
Conact Person: Anke Bothma
Cell: 071 567 9828
Physical Address: Klapmuts, Southern Paarl, Western Cape, 7625, South Africa

As Nature Intended 
Agent for canine and feline products
Contact Person: Chris Davidson

Tel: 021 788 7186
Cell: 082 268 3162

Website: www.giveadogabone.co.za

Email: chris@giveadogabone.co.za
Physical Address: 8 Albertyn Road, Muizenberg, Cape Town, 7950, South Africa

Axis Equine Supplies 
Contact Person: Alison
Cell: 082 726 2393
Website: www.axisequinesupplies.co.za
E-mail: alison@axisequinesupplies.co.za
Physical Address: 24 Serangetti, Welgevonden Estate, Durbanville, Western Cape, 7551, South Africa

Belinda Knowles
Agent for Durbanville area
Cell  : 072 437 1909
E- mail :belindaknowles77@gmail.com
Physical Address: Durbanville, Western Cape, South Africa

Bianca Clarke
Agent for Langebaan area
Tel: 022 7722855
Cell 072 564 0306
Email deane321@hotmail.com
Physical Address: 4 Horizon Close, Langebaan, West Coast, 7367, Western Cape, South Africa

Cape Country Feeds – Hout Bay
Contact Person: Nicky Stuart
Tel:  021 791 0889
Cell: 079 546 4011
Email address:  gjs1276@icloud.com
Physical Address: 4 Garron Avenue, Hout Bay, Western Cape, 7806,  South Africa

Cape Country Feeds – Noordhoek
Contact Person: Nicky
Tel: 021 789 0168
Physical Address: The Garden Emporium, Cnr Main & Katzenellenbogen Rd, Noordhoek, 7979,  Western Cape, South Africa

Colleen Addison
Agent for Morningstar area
Tel:  084 553 1556
Cell: 084 553 1557
E-mail: colleen@thewhitehousestables.co.za
Website: www.thewhitehousestables.co.za
Physical Address: The White House Stables, Morning Star, 7441,  Western Cape, South Africa

Crags Vet Clinic
Contact Person: Jacqui de Villiers-Rodmell
Tel: 044 534 8038
Tel: 044 534 8000
email: cragsvet@gmail.com
Physical Address: Old Post Office, N2, The Crags, Plettenberg Bay, Western Cape, South Africa

Contact Person: Hope Corr
Cell:  074 365 7220
Email: hope@equibox.co.za
Physical Address: Filly Tack and Riding (PTY) LTD T/a Noordhoek Village Tack, Western Cape, 7979, South Africa

Contact Person: Ronelle
Tel: 021 975 1910
Website: www.equifeeds.co.za
E-mail: shop@afreshbrands.co.za
Physical Address: The Lichtenburg Rd (off Paarl R312), Phisantekraal, Western Cape, 7550, South Africa

Equestrian Affair 
Contact Person: Nadia
Tel: 021 762 3771
Cell: 061 414 9147
E-mail address: cpt@equestrianaffair.co.za
Physical Address: 51 Waterloo Road, Chelsea Village, Wynberg, Western Cape, 7806, South Africa

Lou Purcell
Contact person: Lou
Tel:  082 093 1829
E-mail: lou@fmfr.co.za
Physical Address: Farm 16, Knorhoek Estate, Sir Lowrys Pass, Western Cape, 7130, South Africa

Felicity Rossouw
Agent for Rondeberg/Philadelphia/Malmesbury area
Tel: 022 481 3658
Cell: 083 227 3077
E-mail: felicityr@mweb.co.za
Physical Address: Hunters View, Rondeberg, Western Cape, South Africa

Fredz Pet and Equestrian Supplies
Agent for Bothasig area
Contact person: David Rolfe
Cell: 0833751060
E-mail: david@fredz.co.za
Physical Address: Bothasig, Western Cape, South Africa

Going Natural
Agent for canine and feline products
Contact person: Karen Eichstadt
Cell: 0726101478
E-mail: karen@goingnatural.co.za
Physical Address: Gan Eden Farm, Vissershok Road, Durbanville, Western Cape, 7551, South Africa

Happy Tails 
Contact Person: Sandra
Cell: 076 742 5130
Tel: 021 987 1027
Email: sandra@dog-care-centre.com
Physical Address: Shop No. 2, Cape Garden Centre, Joostenberg Vlakte, Western Cape, 7570, South Africa

Hooves and Paws
Contact person: Jeanette Hughes
Cell: 083 489 5086
E-mail: jeanette@rpsa.co.za
Physical Address: 58 Owl street, Joostenbergvlakte, Western Cape, 7570, South Africa

Horse About
Contact person: Joanna Lister
Contact number:  082 884 9881
Email Address:  info@horseabout.co.za
Physical Address: Weltvrede Farm, Weltevredr Road, Tulbagh, Western Cape, South Africa

Horse and Hound Vet Shop
Conatct Person: Elmarie
Tel: 044 533 1368
Cell: 082 487 4738
Email: horseandhound@telkomsa.net
Physical Address: Shop B6, Market Square, Beacon Bay, Plettenberg Bay, Western Cape, 6600,  South Africa

Horse and Style
Contact person: Drieka Jordaan
Contact number:  082 301 5755
Email address:  horseandstyle@outlook.com
Physical Address: Agter Paarl Road, Windmeul, Western Cape, 7630, South Africa

Janna Strehlau
Cell::  082 744 9803
Cell:083 445 1488
Email Address:  jannastrehlau@yahoo.com
Physical Address: Paarl, Western Cape, South Africa

Julie Lustgarten 
Tel: 083 391 0566
Physical Address: Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

Lesley Ball
Agent for canine and feline products
Cell: 084 5531406
Tel: 021 5577309
E-mail: wasp@xsinet.co.za
Physical Address: Table View, Western Cape, South Africa

Liesl Paul
Cell:    083 277 8166
Email:  lieslpaul19@gmail.com
Physical Address: 4 Keerom Street, Swellendam, Western Cape, 6740, South Africa





Naturally Green 
Contact person: Diane Budd
Cell: 083 383 7533
Email: naturallygreen@mweb.co.za
Physical Address: Brackenfell, Western Cape, South Africa

Noordhoek Equine
Conatct Person: Stefan Claasen or Sindie Allum
Cell: 082 453 1746 / 0217890176
Email: stefan@noordhoekequine.co.za / sindie@noordhoekequine.co.za
Physical Address: Noordhoek Garden Emporium
Corner of Noordhoek Main & Katzenellenbogen Roads, Noordhoek, Western Cape, 7979, South Africa




Tel: 021 930 4810
E-mail: norpharmadmin@sybaweb.co.za
Physical Address:17 Boulevard Park, Tienie Meyer Steet, Bellville,  Western Cape, 7530, South Africa’

Oatfields Equestrian Products 
Contact persons: Danel (021 886 5008)
Gordon (082 415 4906)
Email: info@oatfieilds.co.za
Physical Address: Unit 2, Oude Molen Park, Bosman’s Crossing, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, 7600, South Africa

Pawsome Raw – Western Cape 

Contact Person: Lunique
Cell: 083 897 5784
Email address: lunique@pawsomeraw.com
Physical Address: 33 Mills street,  Strand, Western Cape, 7140, South Africa


Pet Plus
Contact person:  Courtney
Contact number:  021 790 9644
Email address:  online@petplus.co.za
Physical Address: Shop 1, Oakhurst Farm Stall, Hout Bay, Western Cape, 7806, South Africa

Pet & Pony Supplies
Contact Person: Pia
Cell: 083 375 1331
E-mail: petandponysupplies@gmail.com or petandpony@telkomsa.net
Physical Address: Oude Molen Eco Village, Alexander Rd, Pinelands, Western Cape, South Africa

SA Horse Feeds International CC
Contact person: Helena Basson
Cell: 084 584 1220
Office: 022 482 3665
Email address: helena@speedi-beetsa.co.za
Website: www.SAHorseFeeds.co.za
Physical Address: 11 Hoog Street, Malmesbury, Western Cape, 7300, South Africa

Swellendam Vet
Contact Person:Nadia le Roux
Tell: 028 514 1193
Email: swelvet@telkomsa.net
Physical Address: 28 Glenbarry Road, Swellendam, Western Cape, 6740, South Africa

Tack ‘n Tuck 
Contact person: Heather
Tel: 044 884 0550
Fax: 044 884 0466
E-mail: tackandtuck@telkomsa.net
Website: www.tackandtuck.co.za
Physical Addres: 19 Foundry Street, George, Western Cape, 6536, South Africa

The Royal Horse
Contact person: Susan
Cell:  021 712 3372
Tel: 082 411 0553
Email address:  theroyalhorse@mweb.co.za
Physical Address: 13 Rose Avenue, Kirstenhof, Tokai, Western Cape, 7965, South Africa

The Tack Emporium 
Contact person: Emily Pfaff.
Tel: 072 294 5677
Email Address: thetackemporiumwinelands@gmail.com
Physical Address: 236 Main Road, Paarl, Western Cape, 7646, South Africa

The Tack Shack – Durbanville
Website: www.tackshack.co.za
E-mail: tackshac@iafrica.com
Tel: 021 9768044/5
Physical Address: 17 New Street, Durbanville, Western Cape, 7550, South Africa

The Tack Shack – Stellenbosch
Tel: 021 881 3198
Physical Address: Stellenbosch off the R44 at La Masseira Restaurant, opposite Mooiberg Strawberry farm.

The Village Vet
Contact person: Ches
Tel: 022 492 3780
E-mail: thevillagevet@thevillagevet.co.za
Physical Address: 11 Voortrekker Str, Darling, 7345, Western Cape, South Africa

Trish Knott
Contact number:  082 406 1167
Email Address:  trishknott@telkomsa.net
Physical Address: Philippi

Valley  Feeds
Contact persons: Carryn Levin or Tami Arpin
Contact number:  079 323 6290 or 021 790 3803
Email address:  valleyfarmstall@gmail.com
Physical Address: ERF 3657, Valley Road, Hout Bay, Western Cape, 7806, South Africa

Value Feeds
Contact person: Renate Jacobs
Conact number: 083 336 6191 or 021 559 2873
Email: info@valuefeeds.co.za
Website: www.valuefeeds.co.za (currently under construction)
Physical Address: 4 Atherstone Way, Edgemead, 7441, Western Cape, South Africa

West Coast Feeds
Caryl –  071 424 5316
Karin – 083 887 4895
Email: kc.conradie@gmail.com
Physical Address: 10 5th Street, Montague Gardens, Cape Town, 7441, Western Cape, South Africa

Western Shoppe – Cape Town Branch
Tel:  021 551-4410
Website: www.westernshoppe.com
E-mail: capetown@westernshoppe.com
Physical Address: Unit A8, Sanlam Business Park, Cnr Racecource & Koeberg Road, Milnerton, 7441, Western Cape, South Africa


All relevant information regarding COVID-19 can be found on https://sacoronavirus.co.za/